
It’s a sign!

We have brickwork!!! We are waiting for the final few beams to finish off the flooring so the guys have started on the first few courses of bricks.

P1030518 P1030519

20150911_184211With plenty more where they came from at Alex’s yard…


We’ve also finished the drains and new watermain (rivetting I know, but kinda important)

new watermain1 new watermain2



But most exciting of all – our new sign has arrived. As you can see from the main picture of the front of the buildings, there is a sign between the two houses

House sign

and we wanted to mirror that for the new extension, to go above the front door. Originally we had thought to match it exactly, but then we decided that we wanted to reflect the original but also recognise that this is a new build. So with the help, support and amazing customer service of Angharad and her team at the Stonesign company, our new sign arrived by courier today. And we love it.


A massive thank you to Angharad and 

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