
Wood you believe it

You know that thing we’ve harped on about for months? The one big thing that we have been waiting for? The thing that would make all the difference? You know.


The thing…

Well its done. The floor is finished. Mike has just left – 6pm on a Sunday bless him – and off to the hospital to get his pain sorted out after his “dentist” appears to have botched the removal of two teeth leaving him in considerable pain all week. We didn’t force him to stay honest! But he has done an amazing job and it looks fabulous. 

So it started with a big clearance effort last weekend

Then on Monday the latex started. Smelled really vile but essential to get the whole expanse level. The one good thing Mike told us was that it smelled so bad that cats steered well clear of it. That’s lucky!!

Tuesday saw more latex and more smell. But no more cat paw prints.

And by Wednesday the first lot of latex was dry enough to take furniture, so the remainder of the floor could be covered. One and a half tonnes of latex across the whole floor. Today was also dentist day – and the beginning of Mike’s suffering.

Then on Thursday, with Mike fully pain-killered up, the exciting stuff starts.

Friday – big expanses start to be finished

Mike comes back on Saturday to get it finished

And then still in pain, and despite us telling him to go the emergency doctors, Mike returns on Sunday to complete the job. Just another example of the fabulous people we have had help us throughout this project.

So that is the floor done. And just to show what a difference it makes – look at these two pictures taken at different times over the last week: