Flat roof

This week has been about the new lounge. The structure is all up, the joists are all in place, the flat roof is going up and the up stand for the skylight is in place. Up until now, we have had a pretty good idea of how the new room is going to look, but it’s only now that we can see just how big it is.

This is also helped because the next level of scaffolding is now up and there are some great views from up there. Next week should be pushing on with the remainder of the brick works and hopefully moving towards the joists for the new gables.


The Rain Pavilion

So we finally got to see the Rain Pavilion today.

Now I know the project was a major team effort with lots of Brookes students working on various aspects. But it’s really hard not to focus on the two architecture students who came up with the original concept that won the competition, and worked on taking the design through to its finished form. Namely Alex Horsman, and our very own, the insanely talented, Charlotte Birch. It was amazing to see the Pavilion in all its glory with Charlotte, see little kids playing on it and people walking past it taking photos and knowing that they couldn’t do that without the efforts of these two wonderful ladies.

So some very proud people in Oxford today – there is still a little bit of finishing to do round the edges of the pavilion and unfortunately the water wasn’t switched on but it was a real privilege to be there with Charlotte

And it’s not just us that think it’s stunning. There are plenty of others who agree with us:

Oxford Brookes website

The Oxford Mail

and plenty of admiring comments on Twitter, such as this one, this one orĀ this one.


NOTE: I have a video of the pavilion which I am trying to upload, but no matter what I do it uploads rotated by 90 degrees. Watch this space in case I manage to beat the computer into submission and I’ll post the correctly orientated video.